Your profile photo must feature only you. Photos in which you are not easily identifiable will not be accepted. You can add further photos to your gallery.
There is a size limitation of 12 MB.
Here are the characteristics of an acceptable profile photo:
- it is a photo, and not a drawing
- it is not a duplicate - it should not have been uploaded already
- your face is alone, clearly visible and can be clearly identified
- the quality has to be good, not blurred or pixelated
- it should be the right way around and not at a 90° angle
- the photo must be shot in good light.
Photos that feature friends/family, landscapes or are taken from a distance will only be visible in your gallery.
The following types of photo are not allowed:
- Sexually explicit or indecent, offensive or otherwise inappropriate photos
- Photos of a commercial nature
- Those containing personal information (e.g. a phone number, name, address etc.)
- Photos of unaccompanied children or minors
You can also add a title to your photos. The following content is not allowed:
- Personal information (e.g. a phone number, name, etc.)
- Sexually offensive or abusive content.
For more information, please have a look through our Terms and Conditions.